Bastille Press - We Stand with Ukraine

Featuring J.D. Everhard (Geof Bard) and 17 Other Legendary Authors

Our current titles feature Stand with Ukraine: Debunking the Propaganda

Stand with Ukraine: Debunking the Propaganda

Authors Vladyslav Starodubtsev, Bill Weinberg,Barbara Smith,Linda Mann, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Don Rojas,Carl Mirra, Franklin Dmitryev, John Reimann, Linda Mann, Jett Goldsmith, Thorne Melcher, Charles Pierson, Micahel Karadjis, Shaun O'Dwyer,> Wayne Price and more.

Image of Geof author may vary with cached versions Book cover as originallypublished Book cover showing rider with solar eclipse in background as overlooking glaciers Book cover showing rider with solar eclipse in background as overlooking glaciers Book cover showing rider with solar eclipse in background as overlooking glaciers Book cover showing rider with solar eclipse in background as overlooking glaciers Fishing village among glaciers Fishing village among glaciers Fishing village among glaciers

Click on each 'book cover' for chapters!

The Anthropocene Memoirs: Ghosts of the Forgotten Snow

An apocalyptic novel of humans struggling with myriad post-modern challenges: pandemics, cybersecurity, surveillance capitalism, international political intrigue, climate change, artificial intelligence and the prospect of ... something unknown.

Prologue: Icefjord 1348 - The End of Time
Chapter One: Vector
Chapter Two: Rendezvous in Iceland
Chapter Three: The Crusader
Chapter Four: Hammer of Witches
Chapter Five: Ship of Fools
NEW! Chapter Six: Confessions
NEW! Chapter Seven: As They Burned Heretics

Poems - Audio

Poems (audio)

Selected Non-fiction

Bill Weinberg's COUNTERVORTEXT Emerging Social Network Tribel is Giving Elon Musk a Run for His Money
Service Animal Law and Policy
What I Learned When Someone Else Published Using the Name I Chose for My First Novel

Early Non-fiction (Creative Commons Licensed)

Wrote Anthropocene in 2011 on Appropropedia.

Wikipedia articles and Wikibooks on fiddle, Fukushima, housing and homelessness and related policy.
Writing as "Wikidgood" originated the WikiHobbit concept.

Book Review: The Holocausts We All Deny: Collective Trauma in the World Today by Theo Horesh

Music and podcasts

Youtube Channel: Music/Podcasts
Bandcamp - Violin, fiddle and guitar.
Audio podcasts with Countervortex

MASTODON: Focus on Security How to Block Server Domains in Mastodon All About Blocking Evil Domains.

Mastodon Social - Fast Start - Tips and Tricks "Public" Facebook Group
Mastodon Social "Private" Facebook Group


General Linktree.
Music-oriented Linktree points to songs on Bandcamp and Soundcloud.
My Primary Mastodon Account - The Ghost of Tom Joad
Credits: Alata sans-serif typeface font designed by Spyros Zevelakis, Eben Sorkin. Visual images on Midjourney and Dall-E. Graphics layout on Canva. Word processing and publication formatting on Libre Office.